How to change a movie clip color using ActionScript 3.0
This is a function that changes the color of a video given as a parameter in a new color given as parameter as well. ActionScript 3.0 code: import flash.geom.ColorTransform; // Import ColorTransform...
View ArticleHow to parse a XML file using ActionScript 3.0
Here is an example on how to get data from XML files using ActionScript 3.0. XML file example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Data> <Title font="Arial"> XML...
View ArticleHow to trigger an event with ActionScript 3.0 when the sizes of a swf’s stage...
This is very useful when you try to create a “liquid” flash application. ActionScript 3.0 code: //The next 2 lines are not mandatory. Use them if you whant to keep the original sizes. stage.scaleMode =...
View ArticleLoad an image (jpeg, png, gif) or a swf using ActionScript 3.0
Here is an example that illustrate how you can upload an image or a swf in your Flash ActionScript 3.0 project . ActionScript 3.0 code: var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); // Create the MovieClip that...
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